Homes for BME Communities

16 October 2019

Working together to create diverse and inclusive place where everyone can thrive

BME National is a collective of BME housing associations in England. The Federation has been working with BME National to highlight how the Government can work with the housing sector to improve housing for BME communities in England.

This is their mission statement, a shared ambition from BME housing associations.

BME housing associations have played a huge role in society, pushing issues of race and equality into the mainstream and changing the housing landscape. But fast forward nearly 50 years and BME households are still more likely to experience overcrowding, poorer quality housing and fuel poverty. They are also more likely to live in England’s most deprived neighbourhoods and are less likely to own their home.

BME National are committed to delivering homes and services to BME communities, but need the support of policymakers, local stakeholders and partners in addressing housing inequality.

BME National have identified four areas where the Government’s attention is urgently needed and how we can work together in addressing these challenges.

Ageing well

Creating an environment where older BME people can live healthy and fulfilled lives.

Income inequality puts older BME people in a vulnerable position. They are less likely to have savings, less likely to inherit from earlier generations and less likely to have occupational pensions to support their retirement.

Ensuring people from BME backgrounds can access and sustain housing

We’re facing a homelessness crisis in England, and it’s disproportionately affecting BME people.

Enabling routes into employment

Discrimination, unconscious bias and exclusion have held back the potential of BME communities for too long.

Investing in inner city areas to facilitate social cohesion and create vibrant places to live in.

There are stark divisions in prosperity and opportunity in many inner cities across the country, often where BME communities are more likely to live.

Read the full mission statement, please share it and get in touch with BME National if you want to hear more about their work. 

Who to speak to

BME National