Our response to the consultation on the implementation of plan-making reforms

19 October 2023

We’ve responded to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ consultation on the implementation of plan-making reforms. The consultation sought views on the government’s proposals to implement the parts of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill which relate to making local plans simpler, faster to prepare, and more accessible.

Our response focuses on the questions and issues which are most relevant to housing associations, and in it we’ve identified areas which are important for ensuring housing associations can continue to deliver affordable homes under the new local plan regime. Our key asks are:

  • A stronger and more explicit acknowledgement of the role played by housing associations as key partners, and for housing associations to be recognised as key stakeholders thus allowing them to be fully involved in local plan consultation periods.
    • The inclusion of additional metrics which will help deliver effective local plans which meet the needs of their communities. These would capture:
    • The tenure type of affordable housing completed.
  • The number of specialist schemes completed, including supported, accessible and older persons’ housing.
  • Further consultation on Community Land Auctions.

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Who to speak to

Marie Chadwick, Policy Leader