Flooding toolkit

08 December 2016

This flooding toolkit is designed to help housing associations prepare in case of a flood, or manage in the event of a flood.

The expected increase in flooding means that organisations need to assess their exposure and develop strategies to offset any risks. In areas at risk of flooding, housing associations also need to help their customers prepare for future floods.

This toolkit is based on the experiences of a number of housing associations that have been through major flooding incidents over the last decade. The toolkit provides case studies, timelines, template packs and top tips. It has been published in two parts:

Update (August 2022)

This toolkit was first published in 2016 and while it's still very valuable, a few details have since changed. We recommend the following updates.

Flood Warning Service 
(Part 1, page 5)

Furniture Re-use Network 
(Part 1, page 9)

CRB checks have been replaced by DBS checks
(Part 1, page 12)

Floodline phone number is now 0345 988 1188 (textline 0345 602 6340)
(Part 1, pages 14-15)

It is also worth exploring the government's flood risk assessment tool

Top tips

Before a flood

Assess the risks of flooding to your business, tenants, services and housing stock - and take action.

Check your insurance cover now. Are the costs of the clean up after a flood covered? Is the cost of re-housing your tenants covered? Is lost rental income covered?

Consider simple, straightforward ways to help boost the number of tenants that take up home contents insurance products.

Develop a flood information pack for tenants and residents.

Link up with local agencies and other housing providers to ensure an effective local response.

If your organisation is significantly exposed, hold a flood emergency drill to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your preparation. 

During a flood

Leave it to the experts. It is vital that you, the organisation's staff and customers listen and react appropriately to what the emergency services are advising. The instructions from the emergency services must be adhered to. 

After a flood

When surveying for flood damage be alert to the potential for flooding even in homes that might not appear to have been flooded. Flood water may have seeped into homes under floor boards and may not be visible initially.

Engage insurers early and take advice from your insurance loss adjuster.

After the acute phase of a flood remember to debrief staff, partipate in multi agency emergency debreif sessions and incorporate the lessons learned into an update of your flood plan.

Who to speak to

Will Jeffwitz, Head of Policy